Leather fringes and Black feathers

Hello everyone! I have finally shot some pictures of the most recent jewelry I’ve made, and am very excited to show them to you all! As a a designer and a student of design,  I’m constantly learning and exploring concepts old & new and experimenting with different material to create something distinct. So, whenever I make jewelry I try to make it as unique as possible… at least to me it should be different from what’s already available in the market. I mean think about it…Who doesn’t want to stand out! Each one of us is unique with a unique personality so clothing and jewelry is one way of showing one’s own personality ;)…and it’s honestly horrifying sometimes to see the lady standing next to you wearing the same dress or piece of jewelry that I’m wearing.

here's a pic of the jewelry piece in progress

To begin with, this neck piece is made with a mix of materials such as wood, leather and metal. You can wear it with a casual black, white or beige jersey top, I’ve worn it with a black cardigan here. The gold-bronze door hinge is an element that perhaps most stands out in this design. Contemporary jewelry challenges the ideals of the classics, employing materials that are not traditionally meant for jewelry but when used… it is perfect as bread and butter! I have to say this contemporary design I’ve made here is very apt to wear with your LBD (little black dress) or even to work, wear it over your simple crisp white shirt 😀

I have been meaning to work with feather jewelry for a long time and a very good friend of mine pushed my ‘meaning to work with’ into ‘making one for real’ ! By the time I finished making this single feather earring I was completely at awe with the results. The black feathers here, has a beautiful sheen that imitates the shine of black ravens, stunning  I have to say! With an elegant black rhombus bead and silver chain this single earring is modern and elegant at the same time. Wear it with any simple top you like and you pull off funky and elegant in one go…how often does that happen yeah?!

Well I hope you guys enjoyed this post as much as I did!  See you soon again with a new post! XOXO

All images are property of FAMUSHU unless stated otherwise.

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